
giub's webzone

hey, thanks for visiting. you can call me giub, and i'm your webmaster around here. this website is in construction, so many links are broken!

this is my refugee from the big web. you can find my personal interests and thoughts, resources on multiple subjects and, overall, nostalgia regarding the old web.

my pet
[updates log]

21/07/2024 new blog and fixing buttons

30/04/2024 fixing links and images, new blog

19/11/2023 new layout (again, sorry) + music and media pages, webamp and chat

14/11/2023 + blog and resources pages

13/11/2023 + button and guestbook

10/11/2023 + about me page

31/10/2023 new site layout, all out 2000s. happy halloween!

29/07/2023 first version of a functional website uploaded

11/07/2023 account on neocities created

official 2000s kids game
pollcode.com free polls
chat room