
coolest neocitizens

html, css and webmastery

HTML Cheat Sheet Web Safe Color Chart

sadgrl.online/webmastery  -  sadgrl webmaster links
sadgrl.online/learn  -  sadgrl guide
W3Schools  -  learning tutorials
Zonelets  -  blog tool for neocities

graphics and misc

Win98 Icons 88x31 Button Maker GifCities Glitter Graphics
Betty's Graphics The 88x31 GIF Collection Winamp Skin Museum

eggramen  -  templates
repth  -  more templates
imood  -  mood indicator
blinkies.cafe  -  blinkie generator
gifypet  -  create a pet
anlucas buttons  -  collection of buttons

cool links

Web Design Museum

Restorativland  -  geocities gallery
GoTo95  -  90s inspired web portal
Old Games Download  -  abandoned games archive
WinWorldPC  -  preservation of old software
WayBack Machine  -  web archive
98.js  -  windows 98 emulator


12ft.io  -  remove paywall
removebg  -  remove png backgrounds
catbox  -  file storage